Plowed Through Sick And Still A Great Podcast!!!
Yes, I managed to get another podcast out this week. And it is much better than I expected. I'm sick. No news. And we still managed to fill an hour with little trouble.
But I have to wonder if trouble doesn't brew on the horizon. My wife started wondering (in that irritated way wifes wonder) whether I needed to do this EVERY week. Not a good sign.
That aside, though, I'm having a great time with this. It's very satisfying to get that show posted and ready for download. Now I just need to build more audience numbers.
Or get an audience report at all. (The function has been down at our hosting site for a few weeks.)
What else to tell you all...
Picked up Metal Gear Solid 4. And MY GOODNESS what an extremely great game! It's the closest thing to true interactive cinema I've ever come across. The clips are good. The game play is good. But together they are extraordinary. There's simply no explaining the intensely immersive nature of this game. You just have to experience it to understand.
That's it from me. Off to bed late again. At least it's not 3am like many podcast nights.
Labels: advertising, cannes, direct, grand, lion, marketing, MGS4, pr, prix, videogames, youtube
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